Our child daycare fees include, where appropriate, breakfast, all snacks, afternoon tea, and refreshments throughout the day. We provide nappies and wipes
We ask that you provide a ‘healthy’ packed lunch for all children over 2 and readymade infant food for children under 2. We provide formula milk. If you require your child to have specific formula milk, you will be required to provide this. Whilst your child is weaning, if you do not wish your child to consume the food and snacks provided by the Pre-School, you will need to supply these as well. If your child uses specific nappies and wipes, please provide them. There is no reduction of fees for parents supplying any of their items.
All child daycare fees are payable in advance by monthly standing order, or salary sacrifice voucher, on the first working day of any month. We close for all public holidays and two weeks over Christmas. There is no reduction for holidays taken or absences.
Our Holiday Club fees include, where appropriate, breakfast, all snacks, afternoon tea, and refreshments throughout the day. We ask that you provide a ‘healthy’ packed lunch for all children over 2 and readymade infant food for children under 2. Please can you provide nappies and wipes for your child. We provide formula milk. If you require your child to have specific formula milk you will be required to provide this. Whilst your child is weaning, if you do not wish your child to consume the food and snacks provided by the Pre-School, you will need to supply these as well. There is no reduction of fees for parents supplying any of their own items.
Any additional trips may incur an extra cost.
The holiday club starts at 8 am for all the children.